Friday, April 29, 2011

Baby Shower Pictures - March 19, 2011

The beautiful hostess

Teal, Me, and Mom

Another shot of us 3


Gift Table

Inside Table & Diaper Cake

2nd Diaper Cake

Bear's Big Brother Shirt

Anna's The Big Sister

Table Decor

Blanket that has Bears & Rocking Horses on it

Little Camo Boots - Colton's ready to go hunting

Gotta fix that earring


Close up me

What you say?

So many gifts to open - Good thing I have Anna & Bear to help

Cute little hat

Anna Banana helping me

Love to laugh

Mini Pooper Shirt!

Teal & Bear Bear

Teal & Riley

Thursday, April 28, 2011

4 Days To Go

Yesterday was our last dr appointment.  Colton will be here on Monday, May 2 at 8:00am.  She gave us the do's and don'ts about things to do the night before, things to bring, etc.  We have to be at the hospital at 6am for all the prep work.  Brian was like man thats early.  I said whatever, I will be awake eagerly awaiting for the clock to hit, lol.  I know I won't be able to sleep Sunday.  I am so freaking excited I can hardly contain myself.
I've been so bored this week at home.  I'm not a good sit at home and do nothing person.  Thank goodness for facebook and words with friends.  Those two things have helped keep me entertained.  Oh, and the Oprah Network channel.  I've learned a lot about The Judds this past week.  Poor Naomi had a rough life growing up.
We traded in my car for a small suv earlier this week.  We decided to go with the GMC Terrain.  We went to look at the GMC Acadia and it looked to mini vanish for me.  I just can't go there yet..if ever, lol.  So then I was between the Terrain and the Cadillac SRX but after comparing prices and options we went with the Terrain.  I was able to keep every option I had my in Lexus IS and actually gain a few more and the best part, my payments went down.  That was nice since we have child care around the corner.   We didn't need anything big like a Tahoe because Brian has a big truck and need something with good gas mileage.  The Terrain is big enough that we can all fit comfortably and even one more kiddo if we choose to have another.  The dealership had to search long and hard to find the exact one I wanted.  I was extremely picky on the options I wanted and of course wouldn't settle for anything but one specific color.  They finally found one in Louisianna and did a dealer change.  We picked it up on Tuesday night.  I cried all the way to the dealership.  It's not so much of giving up my car which I loved to death but more about the reality of this all.  Our lives are fixing to change dramatically, for the good of course, but it's a change that brings so many unknowns.  Brian was laughing at me and saying we can keep the car, you don't have to get rid of it.  Between sobs I'd try to say it's not just about the car, lol.  I did love that car, loved it so much that I had two of them in a row but it really isn't just about the car.  I guess I'm just extremely hormonal with fear and happiness all at the same time.

Anyways.  I hope these last four days go fast.  This pregnancy road has been stressful, fun, and exciting all at the same time but I am so over it at this point.  I am ready to finally meet and hold Colton.  I've had several people ask which hospital we will be at.  We will be at Baylor in Grapevine.  It's right at the Highway 26 exit off 114.  We will be there Monday thru Thursday morning so come see us and meet Colton!!!  Hopefully my next post will be with pictures of our little prince!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Date Is Set

Today's sonogram was mind blowing.  Colton weighs approximately 6 lbs 13 oz and is in the 78th percentile.  His head measures 39 weeks 3 days (OH LORDY) and the rest of his body is at 37 weeks 3 days.  Today we are 36 weeks, 3 days.  He is a big baby boy!!  I am soooo glad he is still breech because the idea of pushing that head terrifies me! haha  The poor little guy takes up my whole stomach.  I bet he is tired of being scrunched up with his legs being over his head.  I feel bad that I don't have any more room to give him.
The fluid levels are normal and there is no protein in the urine but my blood pressure is running high.  The last few days I've been feeling weird, not really bad but just not normal.  We have hit that time frame that issues can start to develop.  So she has ordered me to be on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy.  She specifically said no more work or working out.  It doesn't appear preclampsia has set in but she wants me to rest and relax to help prevent it.  They took blood work that will for sure determine that I don't have preclampsia.  Those results will be here tomorrow.  She said that she will only call if results are not good.  So no call is good!  Pray for no call.  All else is perfect.  She asked us what day we'd like to do the c-section during that first week in May and we said Monday, May 2.  So Monday, May 2 is the day our big guy will be here.  They will set it up with the hospital and then let us know the time of day at our next appointment which is on Wednesday.  So I only have to be on bed rest for about a week & half which is not to bad.  Makes you wonder how much more he will grow this last bit.  Could you imagine if he had the full 3 1/2 weeks to grow...oh man.
Can you believe that in a week and half we will have a baby?!  We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our big guy.  Time has gone so fast.  I think I will have to go back and read all my posts to reflect over all of this while I am "resting" this next week.
Tonight I had my last hair appointment before he is here and tomorrow I am suppose to test drive a new vehicle.  I'm not sure where that falls into the resting bit but she did say do the things you need to do and that is something we need to do.  We learned last weekend that my car is no bueno with the car seat.  It is much to small for all of us.  With Brian being 6'6" no one can sit behind him and with the car seat behind me, my knees are nearly to my chest.  And because the back doors don't open all the way, it's an act of Congress to get the seat into the base without feeling like you will be jostling the baby all around.  So Brian will do all the driving to the dealership and back home.  I will test drive and I guess sign my name on the paperwork if I like it.  Otherwise that is all we have to do but wait for his arrival.

Here is a picture of the belly we took on Tuesday night, it was 36 weeks, 1 day.  I still can't believe an almost 7 pound baby is in there right now...crazy!!!

We hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!


Monday, April 11, 2011

3 Weeks To Go!

Our appointment went well on Friday but we were a little bummed during the sonogram.  They weren't doing measurements this time.  That is so much fun getting to find out how much he has grown over the last few weeks.  Oh well, maybe next time.  They still checked the fluid levels for early signs of preclampsia and thankfully they were still at normal levels.  Then they also monitored his movements such as the hand flexing, etc and his breathing skills.  He is a breathing and moving machine!  Heartbeat is strong as usual, around 150.  Dr. Walter's is highly impressed with how well we are doing.  I've gained another 2 pounds so I think I've officially hit the 20 pound gained marked.  My stomached measured at 34 which was right on for the number of weeks we were last week.  Dr. Walter's was highly impressed with how well I have done during the pregnancy.  I don't have any heart burn problems, haven't gained to much weight, blood pressure is staying good, no stretch marks,  didn't have any nausea in the beginning, no cravings (ARG)...the list can go on.  The only issues I've really had is tiredness, back pain here and there, a few migraines, and this darn carpal tunnel.  The carpal tunnel is getting pretty bad in my right hand.  I have to pay attention to how I pick things up or place my hand before putting pressure on it and they (my hands) wake me up all the time with that tingly sensation.  She suggested putting ice on both my wrists before bedtime and then immediately put the wrist braces on to sleep in.  The ice has helped some.  My hands/arms don't seem to wake me up as often as they did before.  I just hope it doesn't get any worse over these last few weeks.  But I guess if this is the worse symptom I get from this pregnancy, I considered myself very lucky!

Our little Colton is still breach.  She told me that I need to start preparing myself mentally for a c-section. She doesn't believe it will be possible for him to turn with his size and how his legs are positioned over his head.  She said it is safe to tell my work that he will be here the first week in May.  She said there is absolutely no benefit to him or I by going past that point.  All we would be doing is opening the door for health issues to set in.  Because I have done so well and seem to be staying healthy, she is letting me go two weeks instead of coming in next week.  So Thursday 4/21 is our next appointment.  On that day, if he is still breach she is confirming a c-section and will set the date and time.  If he has somehow turned, she is still setting the inducement date. We will then have another appointment the following week, and then that next week, Colton will be here!!  Since my due date is Monday 5/16, I'm guessing she will pick Monday May 2 since that is the exact day I will be 38 weeks.  Or if she lets us pick the day during that week, we are opting for Monday May 2.  We are thinking we mine as well start that week on a good note!!

We are all ready for him.  All we have left to do is put the car seat bases in our vehicles.  We plan to do that this weekend.  Brian thinks I'm being paranoid because I plan on taking our vehicles to the police station and letting them inspect to ensure properly installed.  All the stations around here offer it for free and I figure there is nothing to lose by being on the safe side!!  Once those are in, we have nothing left to do.  I hope these three weeks go by fast....I am SO ready to meet our little guy!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

34 Weeks - Baby Bump Update

This last week has been kinda lame and slow.  I had an extremely busy week at work so we laid low in the evenings.  The carpal tunnel in my right hand/wrist has gotten out of control.  It hurts to put pressure on the hand (liking trying to climb into our giant, tall bed) or pulling the fingers back.  It's just the area by the first two fingers & thumb.  So weird.  Between peeing 3 or 4 times a night and my darn hand & arm waking me from the tingly sensation all the time from the carpal tunnel, sleep has become impossible.  Ya, ya I know I've heard it over and over's natures way of preparing you for sleepless nights.  I could be wrong but I believe there will be a difference though between now and when Colton is here.  Now with no sleep, I still have to get up pull an 8 to 10 hour work day at a stressful job, workout, cook, and live a daily life.  When he is here, atleast I can cat nap while he is sleeping during the day.  I assure you that we will be working on getting a schedule using the baby wise system.  If it worked for my dr and some of my friends, it will work for us.  I'm a big proponent for consistency and won't give up till it works.  I'm a firm believer rewards payoff hard work.   Good news is my back hasn't hurt as bad this last week.  Of course I had a massage so that helped out a bunch.  Although, the braxton hicks continue to sporadically create some discomfort with stomach & back pains.  But they seem more at night when in bed....just one more thing to keep us a wake.  As I said last time, this third trimester is my least favorite and is for the birds.

Our hospital bags are all packed, ready to go and I've been doing some research on breast feeding.  You know those things about foods to avoid, to eat, alcohol, caffeine, etc.  Did you know that the whole "pump and dump" thing really is only a waste of milk and no need to do it?  It's amazing how many things you hear from others (friends, family, co-workers, common phrases, etc) are completely wrong and inaccurate.  I now know that I can and will be able to enjoy my long desired glass of expensive bubblies.  I'm expecting to see that bottle of Cristal or Dom Perignon in my fridge chilling soon!  We've only got 4 weeks to go till the first week in May!  Then get a good eating schedule down and then yay for glass of bubblies!!!
Side note/disclosure from an 8 1/2 month hormonal pregnant lady:  Before any of you go passing judgement on that statement, do your research and talk to your dr just as I have done before the judgemental thoughts or comments.  I'm not trying to be ugly but after a while all the "dr's" out there just get plain annoying and irritating.  Those that have been pregnant understand what I mean.  Only one dr matters and that's our licensed OB/GYN, well and the pediatrician once the little guy is here..haha.  And those that have been pregnant say it only gets worse once the baby is here.  Everyone apparently becomes the Do's and Don'ts Parental experts.  Oh the joys.  

So it's been 4 weeks since the last baby bump picture.  Brian is having to work late tonight because of the lovely storms we had last night and winds today.  I tried taking some of myself (which is hard to do) but I guess they work good enough.  And I've taken some pictures of Colton's room.  I'm still waiting on pictures from the baby shower.  Once I have them I will post a few for all to see.  Friday is our next dr appointment.  It shall be fun to see how much our big boy has grown!  And tomorrow is the baby shower at work.  Some fun days a head!

Colton's Room

34 weeks today - hard to believe a 5 pound baby (or bigger now) is in there!