Sunday, March 27, 2011

Whoa Big Baby Boy

Our dr appointment went really well on Friday.  Colton was wide awake and moving around like crazy during the sonogram.  He was doing that practice breathing thing like crazy.  (Remember last time he wouldn't wake enough to do it.)  I think he was just showing off and being very onry.  Every time the sonogram tech would try to clock his heart rate, he would push on the wand, lol.  She was like oh my goodness, he is a wild thing.  We just laughed and said yup, thats our boy.  He finally settled down and let her get it.  It was strong as usual and my fluid levels were normal which was great news.  He was measuring a full week a head in all his measurements and in the 53rd percentile for a 33 week 5 day baby; but we were actually only 32 weeks 4 days on Friday.  She said that he has a big head.  Just what a person who is fearful of the delivery process needs to hear, lol.  I guess that is what I get for eating a lot of Omega 3 (DHA) things lately.  I'm that weirdo that has been eating things that are good for whatever has been developing in his little body.  These last few weeks I read that it's a major brain development time for him so that is why I've been eating the Omega 3 (DHA) things and have been reading to him like crazy.  He's been getting a daily bible lesson, lol.  I've just started adding alot of extra vitamin C and antioxidants because his immune system is suppose to be in a serious building mode now too.  I'm a weirdo I know.  Apparently all I'm doing is making a big a baby, haha.
He is estimated to weigh 4 lbs 13 oz which is just right under 5 lbs.  So he gained roughly a pound these last two weeks and I gained 2 pounds.  He is still breach but is sitting really low.  So all the pressure I've been feeling is from his little butt.  Dr said that they will give him till 36 weeks to turn before we talk about doing a c-section and are aiming for inducing at 38 weeks.  Heck at the rate he is growing, I am so glad we are being induced and not quite sure I want him to turn, lol.  If he is going to be as big as it's sounding, I'm A-OK with a c-section.  I've had enough knee surgeries that I just don't get worried or stressed over surgical procedures but the idea of pushing scares the tar out of me.  Weird, right?!  I'm sure our little onry boy will turn at the last minute and make me face this pushing fear.  Oh well, I will survive.  She said that the reason why I've probably had a lot of back pain this last week is because he was in middle of a big growth spurt.  She said it'll probably calm down a while and then be bad again as he has more spurts.  Oh the joys.  I've just gotta make it 5 more weeks.  Let the countdown begin - first week in May, here we come!

Saturday was my CPR training class. They taught us the proper procedures on adults, children, infants, & babies.  We also learned the proper ways to handle choking on all the ages and when to start CPR if needed.  I'm glad I did it and feel more prepared and ready for our little guys arrival.  Hopefully I'll never have to put this training to work but I feel better having it in my back pocket!  All we have left to do now is pack the hospital bags and I've already made the checklist for that.  I'm not sure what I am going to do with myself now that I've got everything done.  Sitting back and waiting isn't my style.

I will tell you that I'm not a fan of this third trimester business. I think it has definitely been the worst of the three.  Sleeping is impossible, bad backaches, carpal tunnel thats getting worse, and occasional migraine like headaches.  Oh and I had my first charley horse in my left calf muscle the other night.  That was fun - not!!  And to top it off, I still have NO cravings.  ARG!!  But I guess it could be a lot worse.  I'm just thankful to have a healthy growing boy on our hands!

Stay tuned for more.  These last 5 weeks are bound to interesting!!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

32 Weeks - The Countdown Has Begun

Last week was a big nesting week for me.  Since the baby shower was coming up, I spent the week cleaning the house.  I can tell you that the house had not been on my priority list till last week and boy was it in bad shape.  I did a room a night and by the end of the week I was completely worn out.  My sister flew in Thursday evening to spend the weekend with us.  She was a huge help with the last few rooms to clean. Having my 13 year old sister around was so nice.  She was so willing to help and did a great job.  She was a bit more protective over me this visit.  Usually she wants to stay at my Mom's a night or two to ride but this trip, she wouldn't leave my side.  She has matured so much over the last couple of years!!  I cannot believe that she is going to be 14 next month!  Craziness!!

The baby shower went great on Saturday.  We had it here at the house on the back patio since the weather was nice.  Colton is blessed with many great family and friends who are excited to meet him.  He got so many clothes and I got hooter hiders!! (haha) And we got many things that were necessities such as the diaper genie, diapers, diaper bags, bottles, nipples, bottle accessories, bath tub, pack n play, blankets, towels, homemade burp clothes, and so many other things.  And oh my goodness, my hostesses got us the car seat we were wanting!!  And we had many donations to our Cord Blood registry.  I can tell you that Colton is one spoiled kid already!  My hostesses are the best friends a girl can have.  Wanda made the yummy cake, Denise created a game & took pictures, Allyson made a diaper cake, Jeri made the punch & took pictures,  Michelle, Mindi, Bobbi, and Brandy all brought decorations and help setup.  And Tandy created and mailed the adorable invitations, brought tables, and headed the entire thing up!!  I really don't know what I'd do without Tandy.  She is such a good person!  And of course her momma, Patty Deweber made me a corsage to wear that was made from a pair of newborn shoes.  Patty is the most creative person I know.  I wish I had her talent!  Thank you ladies for all your help!  All in all it was a perfect day!

I was worn out after the shower though and can assure you I slept GREAT that night!  Then on Sunday Teal had to fly out.  It's always sad to see her go.  We cannot wait for her visit this summer and have Aunt Teal help us with Colton!  On Sunday, I noticed that Colton seems to be laying lower.  I was feeling pressure lower that I have felt before and at times it's a bit uncomfortable.  And that evening he had the hiccups and they were lower in belly than up high as before.  So I'm pretty sure Colton has turned and is no longer breach.  Since then I've had a lot of pressure coming and going in the lower (and I mean lower) stomach area and in my back.  I have to say the pressure is something.  Its like he is dropping and pushing his head down hard.  Lets just say there is a whole new meaning to when I gotta pee....I gotta pee! lol  And OMG my back has been out of control all day today and tonight.  It hurts so bad.  No matter how I turn, sit, or lay, I cannot get any relief.  It's more of the middle part of the back than the lower back.  It's almost like Colton is getting ready to make his presence.  If this is how the last weeks are going to feel, man alive he can come even earlier than when we plan to induce him!!  I guess on Friday at the dr's appointment we will find out if he has indeed turned and dropped as it feels he has.  I have a feeling these last weeks are going to take forever!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

3D Pictures

We took two of our friends with us for a lucky charm and it worked; he was showing his face!  Though, I don't think we were meant to do the 3D sonogram.  The darn umbilical cord was covering his face.  We got some pictures but they aren't as good as they could've been if the cord wasn't in the way.   After a few pictures, I finally asked, does our son have a clef palate lip (spelling?)?  The sonogram tech laughed and said no, that is the cord in the way.  I was relieved.  I mean don't get me wrong, we'd love Colton regardless but it was good to hear that it was just the darn umbilical cord distorting the pictures.  I wish I could figure out how to save the few videos (4D portion) we have.  One of the videos you can watch him open and close his mouth a few times.  It's like he was saying "hello."  I guess the software (quickplayer) on my mac doesn't allow to save or it needs to be upgraded which I'm sure comes with a fee.  We have several pictures but only going to post a few, after a while they all kinda look the same. 

Here in this picture you can see his face.  Over the top portion of his forehead is his foot.  I'm not sure how that is comfortable but he seems to like it.  You can see what I was talking about the cord distorting his lips here in this picture.

Another picture with the cord in the way and his little smashed nose there in the belly.

I think it was this picture that I finally asked if he had a clef palate, lol.

A side angle view of his face.

Another side view.  Here you can really see his foot over his head.

The people before us were told when they were 16 weeks they were having a boy.  Well during their 3D sonogram they were surprised with girl news.  Can you imagine!  Our Colton is definately a boy!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Stubborn Baby Boy

So our 3D/4D sonogram didn't go so well the other night.  On my drive home from work at 4 our little guy was moving around like crazy.  Then at 6, our appointment time, he was out cold a sleep.  He was facing towards my back and there was no getting him to wake up enough to turn around.  I shifted from side to side, walked around, jiggled the belly, and no luck.  So after 30 minutes, we walked to the starbucks around the corner and got a frappacino hoping the sugar & caffeine would do the trick.  We tried again 30 minutes later and he was still out.  What little bit of a profile view we had was covered by his hand.  He had one hand cupping his face, had one leg kinda stretched out, and the other leg flexed up to his head with his other hand holding the back of it. Needless to say, our child apparently is not a fan of the curled up fetal position, lol.  But because we had a great view of the back of his head, we were able to see that he has some hair!  I was so frustrated because our parents drove here for the appointment and were excited to see him.  I guess that is just the way it goes sometimes.  So we try again tomorrow morning; hopefully, he will cooperate and show his cute little face for us to get good pictures.

Today we had our dr appointment.  Sonogram went well.  He weighs just a tad over 4 lbs and is in the 47th percentile in weight and length.  I was happy to hear that!  He isn't super big nor teeny tiny....he is just perfect!  Heartbeat was strong at 153 and guess what, he was still facing towards my back side, lol.  I guess he just really likes being in the breach position and facing my back.  He was positioned real similar like he was on Wednesday but on the opposite side of the stomach.  I guess at this point, the babies should be starting to "practice breathing" and they were trying to check for that.  But guess what, you've got it, our little stubborn boy wouldn't cooperate.  He was napping again and apparently they only do this when awake and usually about 1 to 2 times every 30 minutes or so.  So it's all about the right timing to capture it.  Again we tried to wake him up.  He woke and stirred enough to get a small read but it wasn't enough.  Our son is like clock work on his wake schedule.  He moves a ton around the times I usually eat then after I eat his movements slow down and I'm guessing he is snoozing.  So his big movement times are 7:30am, 10:00am, between 12 & 12:30, 3pm, and 7ish then again around 10:30 or 11pm.  All the times except 10 and 11 are times I eat or have a snack.  Our sonogram today was at 2 and by time we got to the dr it was around 2:45 and guess what he started moving then, lol.
Dr Walter's said everything is fine.  She is not concerned because at this point is when they are just starting the practice breathing thing and as we get further along he will do it more often.  So right now its all about the perfect timing. She said many, many times they don't get a read the first time.  But to be safe they do what they call a stress test on the baby.  It's basically making sure the baby isn't stressed.  So we get hooked up to a machine that monitors the heart rate and I have to hit a button every time I feel a movement.  We stayed on it for 20 minutes and when it was over the dr said, yup, just as I thought, everything is okay.  He is a wild moving baby.  At that point it was well after 3 and past my snack time.  He was hungry, lol!!
We go back again in two weeks and will have another sonogram.  As I mentioned before, we have one now at every appointment.  It's to check the fluid levels.  Apparently if the levels are above a certain number then it's an early indicator of preclampsia.  Our levels today were within the normal & safe range..thankfully!  I've gained 1 pound which is basically the pound Colton grew these last two weeks, lol.  She asked if we had questions, gave us two thumbs up and said see ya in two weeks.

Pray our little guy cooperates tomorrow for the 3D/4D sonogram.  We need good pictures!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

30 Weeks - 3rd Week of 7th Month

This is a busy week, belly bump picture is due, 3D/4D sonogram, and Dr appointment.  So I thought I'd break it up into a few posts along the way.

Here are the next set of belly bump pictures.  Can you believe how much I have grown!

Here is one a bit more close up - you can truly see the size in this one....haha.

We had our maternity tour at Baylor on Saturday.  It was a good tour but really brought reality to me.  Technically by pregnancy terms, we have 10 weeks to go but with the Dr talking about inducing, we really only have 7 to 8 weeks to go.  HOLY MOLY!  I think I'm ready but then I'm scared to death at the same time.  To be honest, it's not being a mom or having a baby that worries me, it's the labor & delivery part that scares the daylights out of me.  I plan to have an epidural but I'm still a nervous wreck about it.  I just have so many fears about it for some reason.  I've read all about the things to expect, things that could happen, how they handle different scenerios, etc but none of it is helping to ease my fear.  At the tour, they showed us the delivery room, the c section prep room if it turns that route, the nursery, and then the room you stay in till go home.  In the delivery room there are like these serious lights that come out of the ceiling.  As the instructor explained it, you are on spotlight, lol.  Then she said that mirrors are available if requested.  Apparently the statistics say that if a women sees the head crowning, the pushing time decreases.  I guess because of the excitement??  I turned to Brian and said, "we will NOT be having the mirrors."  I don't care if I have to push for hours on end, I refuse to see that business.  I'm sorry but I've seen videos and there is nothing beautiful about that process.  Brian is not allowed past my shoulders when it's our time.  Only 2 people are allowed in the delivery room at a time and then only 2 during the big moment.  My two will be Brian and my Mom.  If I have to go through with this, then I am for sure making Brian go through with it too.  And well, who doesn't want their mom there?!  I mean, Mom's have a way of making the scary things seem better.  Yes, I'm 32 years old and I admit, I will need my Mom that day!  Then in the other room you are allowed as many visitors as you want during the visiting hours.  We learned that vaginal deliveries are usually in the hospital 2 days and c sections 3 days.  Not to bad.  It's funny, I think God was trying to help relieve some stress for me.  During the tour, we saw my dr (Dr. Walter's) hanging out at the nurses station.  She saw us, waved and said hi to us.  It's a good feeling when your dr recognizes you outside of the small room in her office and without your chart in her hand.  Then when we came back through, we heard a baby crying.  I'm guessing she just delivered a new baby for some happy people.  Then when walking to the other rooms, I saw our pediatrician's name listed on one of the doors.  They list the patient last name, ob/gyn last name, and pediatrician last name outside each door.  I've been afraid that I will end up going into labor before inducement time and my dr's won't be available.  Silly I know, but it's a true fear I have.  So it's like God was trying to show me that there is no need to worry, your dr's will show up and be there for you.  Now if I can just get over the actually delivery fear.... Oh lord please be with me!

Wednesday is the 3D/4D sonogram.  We can't wait to see him!  I will post some of the pictures for you all to see.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

29 Weeks & Growing Like Crazy

Oh man have I grown a bunch over these last two weeks.  I've been told that the 7 month is a big growth month and they aren't a kidding.  Ya'll just wait till next week when I post my baby bump picture.  You will be amazed on the growth from the 26 week picture.  Heck I'll be amazed at the change from this week to next.  It is crazy!!

Not a whole lot going on but I know a few of you enjoy the weekly updates and I like doing them so here we go.

We've found a pediatrician.  His office is right next to the new cooks children hospital center right down the road from our house and will go to Baylor in Grapevine when Colton delivers which is nice.  I wanted a dr closer to the house rather than in Grapevine since will probably be going a lot in the beginning.  The HEB Harris Methodist is closer to us so most of the doctors in this area are only associated with it and don't or won't go to Baylor.  I know Baylor have pediatricians on staff and we can use one of them but I prefer for the one we plan to use going forward be there when Colton is delivered.  The one we chose was on our list of names given to us by Dr. Walter's and some of the kid's Pat keeps use him.  So it's worked out great.

Lets see, this Saturday is our maternity ward tour at Baylor and I've gotten the CPR class scheduled for the last weekend in March.  Our neighbor is a licensed paramedic and fireman so its comforting that he is right next door but I still feel like that I should have some knowledge in this area.  Hopefully it will never be needed but it eases my mind to have some training in my back pocket.   Our 3D/4D sonogram is Wednesday and are really looking forward to it.  Colton is moving around like crazy day and night now so it will be fun watching him.  In fact, you can see his movements through the belly now.  He likes to hangout more on the right side of my stomach so it's usually pertruding a little more than the left side.  And you can see and feel when he head butts which is still way up high (little turd needs to turn still).  At home in the evenings, I'll just hangout with my shirt raised and watch my stomach.  I like to play with him when he's active by poking (gently) and rubbing him.  I think he likes it because he will what feels like poke back when you quit rubbing.  It's like he is saying, hey Mom don't quit rubbing, lol.  I talk to him all the time.  I'll be like, "Colton are your ready to go to work or are you ready to go workout."  I'm having fun with it all.  :)

The baby shower is coming up too.  It's on Saturday March 19th from 2 to 4 here at the house.  Invitations have gone out.  Thank you Tandy and the rest of the hostesses for all your hard work!!  If  you didn't get an invitation it's because I have P.I.S.S. (pregnancy induced stupid syndrome) and failed to get the information to Tandy.  I can promise it wasn't intentional.  We want everyone to be there so please join us!

Hmm, that's about it.  Next week will be a big week since it will be time for a baby bump picture, 3D/4D sonogram, and dr appointment & 2D sonogram.  So stayed tuned!
