Monday, January 24, 2011

24 Weeks - In The 6th Month

It's hard to believe I am in the 6th month.  Time has flown by so fast.  It  doesn't seem like that I've been pregnant since August.  But I have to say that the weeks have slowed way down since Christmas.  This month of January seems to be taking forever!  I hope this is no indication of how the coming months are going to be.  If so, I've got a LONG road ahead of me.  But on the up side, Brian has been able to feel the little guy move.  It's nice that he can now feel him but I have to say, some of these kicks are not so bueno.  They hurt!!!

I've apparently developed carpal tunnel in my right hand/wrist.  Not sure if you remember a few posts ago that the massage therapists noticed things in my right hand.  Anyways, the tingly sensations are in rare form later in the evenings now and I have to be careful how I pick up things.  Sometimes I'll pick something up just right and then my hand almost spasms and have no strength in it for a while.  This apparently very common at this point of the pregnancy and will go away after giving birth.

Last week, the feeling of being tired has managed to sneak it's way back in.  By about this time (8:30pm), I am ready to lay down, relax, and just fall a sleep.  Then in the mornings I'm so not wanting to get up.  It's probably not helping that I get up 2 to 3 times a night to go to the bathroom.  I feel like about the time I get back to sleep, I either have to adjust because my shoulder or hip is hurting from laying on it or I have to pee again.  I remember back between 8 and 12 weeks and how exhausted I felt.  It was horrible....pure torture to get up and face the day.  That was only 4 weeks of the torture.  I am now only 24 weeks with a lot more than 4 weeks left to go.  I didn't think that the tired feeling was suppose to come back until well into the 3rd trimester.  I guess exhaustion is my pregnancy symptom.  I suppose it could be worse, I could have it along with many other symptoms.  I have had a few headaches hear and there.  One last night but they are so few and far in between that it doesn't seem so bad.  Although they do hurt when gracing their presence.

Last week I also had my 6 month check up with my blood pressure doctor.  The nurse does the routine things, check weight, take blood pressure, pulse, etc before he comes in.  He walks in and says hey there how are things going while still looking at the chart.  Then he says, wow, your blood pressure is that of a 17 year old.  Turns and looks at me and says, are you still trying to get pregnant.  I just smile and out he says, well, well...congratulations.  He was pleased my numbers are so good.  He asked how far along I was and made it a point to let me know that I need to check my pressure at least once a week going forward.  Now that I am past 20 weeks, apparently I am at high risk for preclampsia so I need to monitor myself often.  He asked when the last time we checked my bp machine against theirs to make sure it is accurate.  I told him my last visit.  They always have me bring it in once a year to check it.  He said good, it should be okay then.  I told him that my gyno said that she isn't going to let me go to term and I asked him if it is because of my risk of preclampsia.  He said yes, that if it hasn't set in by 37 weeks she will probably induce the baby since considered full term and if it sets in before then, that she may have to induce even earlier.  It just depends on how severe my pressure gets.  He told me to be sure and let him know if it sets in so he can help monitor.   I had heard of preclampsia but didn't really know what it was or the details of it.  (Basically it hasn't been pin pointed in details yet in my readings/ weekly emails, lol).  So Dr Trotter (my bp dr) basically filled in the facts for what Dr. Walter's was saying the last appointment about not letting me go a full 40 weeks.  Dr. Walter's took the approach to tell me enough without stressing me out and Dr. Trotter told me more details that my busy mind needed to hear at this point.  It's nice to know that both your dr's are on the same page without knowing it and seem to care.
So we shall see how the rest of the pregnancy goes going forward.  Hopefully since I'm eating healthy and working out daily, I will have no preclampsia issues.  Although at 37 weeks, it will still be April so we could possibly have an April baby instead of a May baby!!

I've started the hunt for child care.  We've decided that we want to find someone that offers home care rather than a larger child care facility or having a nanny at the house.  So I've pulled names and address off the Texas CPA website.  I learned about this through a friend.  That website is awesome.  Because these in home care providers are registered or licensed with the state, they go through routine inspections and you can see any infractions along with the severity of them they have had in the past.  So over the weekend, we did drive bys and ranked them by appearance as our first inspection, lol.  We figured that if the outside of their home and yards were well maintenance and taken care then they would be a good selection to interview.  Today I put together a list of questions and will begin calling tomorrow.  Wish me luck.  This has been stressing me out.  Child care cost alone is stressful but having to place trust and confidence in a stranger to care for your child is stressing me to the max.  I've cried a few times over this.  I know it will be okay, it's just these stupid hormones.  So if anyone knows of a good person in the HEB area, please let me know!!

The babies room is all cleaned out and ready to be painted.  We've decided to have an accent wall of a blue (blue jean) looking color and then the other three walls a beige color to offset.  I've just got to go to Lowe's to find and buy it.  Brian is on call this week so I was going to paint over this weekend coming up but apparently Brian's co-workers have been giving him a hard time about letting me paint.  So he is going to do it (I'm shocked) but glad.  I HATE painting.  I've managed to con his crew foreman to help, lol.  It really wasn't hard or a lot of conning going on, I just said Jim you need to help Brian paint when yall are off call and he said okay.  Funny part is, I think he meant it.  So I'll just make sure there is plenty of beer for these guys.  If there are any others helpers, we are happy to have ya (Tracy...hint, hint!!)

Next on the list will be finding a pediatrician.  I have referrals from my dr which will be helpful (I hope.)  The preparation list just seems to go on and on.  I've read and really enjoyed The Happiest Baby On The Block.  It all makes complete sense and plan to use the 5 S's as a calming method if needed.  I've just gotta start practicing swaddling on a doll so I can be a pro by time little Colton is here.  Soon I will begin reading Baby Wise and then will done with reading those type of books.  Well except for What To Expect What Your Expecting book and my daily/weekly emails.  I enjoy those for learning what is developing on the baby that week and what to expect body wise.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby Bump - It's Been 4 Weeks Already - Crazy

Over on the side, you can select the previous post called Baby Bump 22 Weeks to see the pictures.

This last week has been a busy and successful week.
We've been doing A LOT of research on the Cord Blood Banking this last month.  After finding out our baby is a boy and announcing the name, this all seems for real.  I mean it was real before but now it's like REALLY REAL.  So real that I cannot fathom the idea of anything impeading on Colton Keith's opportunity for a long and healthy life.  You always think that it won't happen to you.  But the fact is, it can.  I have several friends who have family member's with cancer or other medical conditions that affect their daily lives.  I realize that everything happens for a reason and we fully plan to embrace any situation that is handed to us with strong faith in the lord.  But after extensive research and praying, we have decided to store the cord stem cells and cord tissue.  This could be a life saving decision and I just don't see how we can pass this up.  And it could be a complete waste of money but it's a risk we are okay taking.  In fact I'd rather it be a waste of money because that means we are all healthy and living life!! Brian, me, or any of our family members can also benefit from this if needed.  I am so thankful for the medical studies and advancements that we are so fortunate to have!  With that said, it is expensive.  So we are asking family and friends to consider donating to the costs rather than purchasing a baby gift.  We know a cute gift is so much more fun but our baby's health is more important.  So we have (tonight) sent an email to family and closest friends, and will also be including a note in the baby shower invitation giving everyone the choice between the cord blood registry or the actual gift registry.
Anyways, if anyone would like to check it out, you can see our registry at and search by Jessica Plemons.

And since we know that we need to build an actual gift registry, I took advantage of the crappy weather yesterday and spent the day researching things like car seats, strollers, carriers, etc and built the gift registry.  The most common and easily accessible baby gift registry is Babies R Us so that is who we chose to use.  You can search by my name (Jessica Plemons) or by Brian Plemons if you wanna check it out.

A baby shower date has not been set yet, but it will be soon and invitations will be going out.  We hope that everyone will attend.  Whether you gift by donating to our cord blood registry, an actual baby gift, or just by praying for us (power of prayer is the greatest gift of all), we would love for everyone to be there in celebration of Colton Keith.  Please stay tuned for more details.

Thank you to Kevin and Traci Boyte for letting us borrow your little lamb vibrate/bouncy and little lamb swing!  You have no idea how grateful we are that you are allowing us to borrow yours and save money in that area!!  We are truly blessed with great people in our lives!

And we got our maternity ward tour scheduled at the hospital.  Holy cow, does that thing fill up quick.  They only do 2 tours a month and they were booked full till March.  So March 5 is our scheduled tour.

I love getting things checked off the To Do List!!  But there are many more To Do's ahead still to complete such as the baby room, deciding on classes to take, finding a baby care taker for when I go back to work, etc.  I feel like the list goes on and on!!  But I guess it's all part of it.  For now, I will just end this post and start reading The Happiest Baby On The Block.  :)

Baby Bump 22 Weeks

22 Weeks Today
Last week of 5 Months

So ya, the saying white is bad so holds true here!  :)
Took this after work today and as you can see Colton Keith is growing like crazy!
I am in awe by how much skin can stretch, it's crazy.  And to think that we still have a long ways to go!

Decided to take a picture with the sweater lifted up.  You can see my lovely cami and belly band but is a good view of the growing baby bump.  In my left hand is my snack I'm chomping on so can head to the gym, lol.  My favorite thing to do is eat!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh Boy, Oh Boy - We Are Having A Boy

21 weeks, 2 days
Baby Plemons' is a boy!

Picture 1 

Picture 2

The sonogram was so much fun and exciting.  They start off with having the screen off because they have to do all the measurements.  While she was doing that, I said man, I can feel the baby moving like crazy.  She said what your feeling is hiccups.  So I learned what the hiccups feel like - pretty darn cool.  Then after the measurements are done, they do the gender search and that you get to watch.  
When the screen turned on and the sonogram tech said are you ready, we didn't have to wait for her to say your having a boy.  Brian and I both at the same time said, "Oh my goodness, we definitely have a boy!"  She just smiled and said yes you do and wrote boy on the screen.  These are pictures of the sonogram pictures so both are a bit blurry but you can clearly see Baby Plemons' is a boy!  Both are straight shots between his legs and the first picture you can kinda see the outline of his face back behind the word boy.  We are SUPER excited!
We came home and told Anna banana that she will remain the only princess of the house.  I think she understands because she's been prancing around all night and wiggling her butt with excitement.  haha
Poor bear bear, will have to share being a boy.  Not only will he have to share the being held time with the baby but now also not being the only boy.  Poor guy, I hope he doesn't go into deep depression! :(

This picture is really cool because you can see his jaw bones and his spine.  Then right above the spine is his heart.  Again this is a picture of the picture so the heart looks like a filled in bubble (if that makes sense, lol).  And we learned that his head is on my right side and his legs on my left side.  So now I will if he is kicking me or punching me!  How cool is that?!

And here is a frontal of his face.  I wish this picture was as clear as the sonogram picture because you can really see the facial features.  It truly amazes me that we have the technology to see the baby grow like this!

Dr. Appointment

The appointment with Dr. Walters went great.  She said that he is right on track for the expected due date.  His measurements are perfect: neckline is great, heart chambers are great, fluids are great, the placenta is great, and heartbeat strong at 148.  I believe her words were, "you couldn't ask for a more perfect sonogram."  Music to our ears.  Our appointments are always bitter/sweet for me.  I am excited about our appointments but extremely nervous at the same time.  I always have the fear in the back of my head of hearing the bad news during a sonogram like we did last spring (March 2010).  You go in all excited expecting to hear a heartbeat and instead your world gets turned upside down.  Then I had the decision to do a D&C or wait for nature.  This time everything has been picture perfect...thankfully!  The fear will always remain within me I think.  Just a few months ago, the actress Lily Allen miscarried at 6 months.  So you are really never completely out of the clear.  Anything can happen.  So every appointment on the drive from my office to the dr office, I listen to the Sons & Daughters cd from Fellowship to lift up my faith.  All I can say is that God is great and amazing.
Anyways, back to the appointment.  Baby Plemons' weighs approximately 1 pound and I have gained another 5 pounds.  She said I am right on track.  I'm gaining about a pound a week which is right where I need to be.  So to date at 21 weeks (5 1/2 months) along, I have gained 10 pounds.  And it's all in the belly and the growing ladies.  Nothing else has grown - yet - thankfully!  I asked her a few more questions about working out and the heart rate during the workout.  Everything I read says don't let it get over 140 but for me at 140 I'm not out of breathe and can talk plain as day.  (I wear a heart rate monitor).  She said that there is no real medical studies on the 140 and not quite sure why that seems to be the number out in cyber world for all to abide by.  She said that people physically fit can with stand that and much more.  She said all I need to pay attention to is my breathing and my heat.  Basically don't go breathless or work yourself to the point of red face, dripping sweat exhaustion.  She said you will know when you have hit your limit.  Your body will tell you when it's time to back down or quit.  So I plan to continue my cycle classes, body works classes, and all other cardio and weight lifting. I mean after all, I've gotta get my arms prepared to carry around a baby!
She did mention that I probably won't go to term, or that she won't let me.  She said that they like to bring the baby early (if doesn't come on their own) with those patients who have high blood pressure.  Mine isn't pregnancy related.  I'm that lucky individual who has had issues since I was 25.  So far my pressure has been low and normal but she said that during the 3rd trimester is when it will increase if it's going to and the longer you go, the more potential medical/health problems that can generate on the mom.  She won't hear me arguing.  I am happy to have the baby early.  Remember, Brian was a 9 pound baby, so the earlier the better!!!!

Name Game

Since we aren't having a girl, I will share the name we had picked for a girl.
Dakota Marie Plemons
So if and when we have another baby, this name is in reserve for a hopeful baby girl!!!

Now for the name game.  I've been looking for cool games on the internet and all I can find is dumb, stupid games for baby showers.  Not interested in those for the name game.  I mean, we'd like for everyone to know the name prior to the shower.  And I am the person limited by the box (thus my career working with numbers, interest rates, rates of returns, etc) and Brian well, ya, he isn't much help.  He is just here for the support and to enjoy the ride.  So because I'm limited by the box and pregnancy stupid brain is setting in, it's pretty basic and simple.
The first person to guess the "full" name wins a $50 visa gift card.  I've given the middle name in the past and the only clue for the first name is that it is a definite boys name.  I will not tell what the name means because all of you googlers will have it figured it out before I can hit publish post on this blog.
I hope it isn't guessed right off the bat to keep this fun, lol.  If you are the winner, and don't live close to us, I will mail you the gift card.  I promise to honor the prize!!!
So let the guessing begin!!!   Good luck!