Monday, November 29, 2010

Random Things

I am definately feeling pregnant more than ever these days.  Last week a baby bump blessed my body.  Monday night went to bed and woke up Tuesday morning and there it was.  Just over night, it's crazy!  No pictures yet.  I'm still a bit upset with Blogger and Facebook for posting my last update with the picture up top for all to see on Facebook.  Talk about embarrassing!  I figure I will do a picture once every four weeks, basically monthly.  I just have to figure out how to do it without it blasting it front and center on Facebook world when I share the post.  I've been feeling pretty good lately.  My energy level is back, my appetite has doubled, working out daily, and still going to the bathroom like crazy.  I've been pretty fortunate, it's been a good pregnancy.  And the best part is, my high blood pressure has been staying low and normal.  Yay for that!  That was one of my concerns when getting pregnant but so far so good.  I haven't had any food cravings or aversions yet.  I'm feeling a bit jipped in that area.  I wanna crave something really weird and totally off the wall..haha.  

I still haven't heard from the dr on the genetic test results.  A bit annoyed but not worried.  Sometimes I think her nurse just forgets or is to busy to do things like call.  I thought they said 7 to 10 days but I actually wrote down 7 to 14 days which we are at the end of that time frame.  So I guess they figure to just wait and let us know at our next monthly appointment which is Thursday.  Whatever.  I'm not worried.  The sonogram measurements were in great shape.  Besides, I read that 5% of test results will come back indicating that something is wrong when really there isn't.  And I've had several people tell me that they had not so good results and their baby turned out okay.  With my luck, that will be our case.  But you know what, that is okay.  I know the Lord above will not give us anything we cannot handle.  Either way, this is our baby and will love him/her no matter what!

I am amazed though at how many dr's there suddenly are in this world.  Everyone has an opinion on what to do, what to eat, how to workout, how I will feel, etc.  Talk about annoying.  I let most things go in one ear and out the other.  I do enjoy hearing about how other women felt in their pregnancy but cannot stand being told how I will feel or what I will experience.  Especially by men.  Like they know, ha!  No two pregnancy's are the same, and just because you felt some way doesn't mean I will.  It is amazing how opinionated people are.  I made a comment once about not going to drink a glass of red wine during the pregnancy and immediately was told, "oh but it's okay." " You can have a glass of red wine a night if you want to."  Ya, that may be so and okay for you to do.  But for me, I'd rather not.  It's not worth a risk and my personal decision.  I've been told by friends who have gone through this that it only gets worse once the baby is born.  Everyone turns into baby care do's and dont's specialists.  Oh the joys.

We are on the road to accumulating bedroom furniture and decor!  My sister in law is a bargain shopper and bless her for that.  She has found us awesome deals on a crib, changing table, and rocking/glider chair!  I've also found the rocking horse I want and have ordered it.  And have found the bear to sit on the rocking horse and have purchased it.  Oh and a cute little bear that attaches to the crib and makes a sound like the womb on Craigslist.  So at this point, we've just gotta finish getting the last few heavy things out of the room.  Once we get a confirmation on baby Plemons' being a boy, I will decide on final colors and paint the room then will finish with the remaining decor.  I have to tell you, if you are pregnant and don't have the book, baby bargains, it's a must have.  I'm learning what is a waste of money, what is okay to buy cheap, and what need to spend money on.  It's my pregnancy bible to purchasing the necessary things!

I'm fixing to need to starting buying bigger clothes.  Timing is bad with christmas being here so if anyone out there has some hand me downs that would be awesome!  Heck I'll even buy from you.  I just can't justify spending a lot of money on clothes I don't plan to wear for long.  I'd really like to go to the goodwill store but am having a personal battle with myself.  I feel embarrassed pulling in the parking lot driving the car I do.  It makes me feel like I am taking away from those that really need to shop there and that everyone there will look at me that way.  Dumb I know, but a personal battle.  So again, I will gladly take hand me downs!!

Stay tuned for more.  Thursday is our next appointment and should have some new info to share!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Random Things

Well we are still waiting for the genetic test results.  They said 7 to 10 days so I'm sure any day we will get a call and let us know that all is okay.  I am really looking forward to our December appointment.  I'm wondering if they will do a sonogram or just use the doppler thing to hear the heartbeat. You only get one a trimester with the exception of the first trimester, if you do the genetic test then you get two.  That was another reason why we did the test, so we could have another peek at the baby.  :-)
I will be 16 weeks at the December appointment so I wonder if they do a sonogram, will they be able to confirm if Baby Plemons is indeed a boy or if they will wait till January when a bit further along.  Brian and I can hold off on buying things but I'm not sure if my sister-in-law can.  Michelle is a "deal" finder and and is so excited about Baby Plemons that I can just see her buying all kinds of boy things.  It is hard to beat that impulse of must have or get, trust me I know, I deal with it when it comes to handbags!!  All I can say is please be a boy Baby Plemons because your Aunt Michelle and MiMi are over the top excited and dieing to buy!

I've started cleaning out the "junk" room so we can convert it to the baby's room.  I didn't think we were big pack rats or considered myself a hoarder but now I believe that we just may be.  I am amazed at how much junk we have accumulated.  It's crazy.  Anyways, I still have a ways to go so will tackle it again this weekend.  Oh joy!

Anna and Bear have been extra snuggly towards me.  Anna more so than Bear but they both are super clued to me when I'm home.  They've always sat in our laps but now they want to lay on my belly.  They both try to be the closest to me but Anna usually wins out.  It's so funny.  I think they know I'm pregnant and want to be close and keep the baby warm.   So they are the brother and sister protectors of Baby Plemons.  I'm a bit fearful that whenever Baby Plemons is here that he possibly won't be able to sleep unless the dogs are in the crib snuggled up with him.  And his first words are bound to be either "bear bear" or "anna banana."

I've had a few people ask me to take belly pictures.  My first reaction was, "really" I'm not so sure about looking at it much less anyone else.  That was really before I've started growing.  I always thought that it would bother me to having a large, growing stomach but surprisingly it hasn't bothered me at all.  Instead it's almost a sign of relief or reassuring for me because I know that the baby is growing as should be.  I'm really not showing that much yet.  More so later in the day when the gas and bloating builds up.  So I've taken a couple of pictures tonight so you can see what I look like all bloated and gasy.  The mornings there isn't much to see yet but we are getting there!  Today I am 14 weeks, 2 days.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Genetics Test Day

Baby Plemons
13 weeks 3 Days

Today we did the genetics testing.  They did a sonogram and then pricked the finger for blood.  The sonogram tech said that Baby Plemons is growing as should be and everything looks just fine.  They combine the sonogram results with the blood work results and then establish the final analysis.  So it will be 7 to 10 days before we get the final results.  We are not worried.  Our faith and trust is with the good Lord above.

Baby Plemons was a wiggling away during the sonogram.  I could just watch him/her forever.  It truly amazes me the whole process of it all.  I just look at my stomach and am amazed there is a growing baby in there!  The sonogram tech asked if we were planning to find out the sex of the baby.  Of course we are.  I don't think I could wait a whole 9 months of wondering!  So she asked if we'd like to know what she thinks Baby Plemons is.  Heck ya we do!  She said it's to early to confirm for sure but that if she was a gambling lady she would put her money on Baby Plemons being a boy.  Then she zoomed in on what she believes to be a growing baby boy.  Then baby Plemons flipped over and there you see him above in the picture.  Again it's to early for confirmation but can you imagine...a boy!!  Oh boy, oh boy!!  Brian is 6' 6" bare footed.  He said that he went from 5'8" to 6'4" between end of his freshman year to sophmore year in high school.  Then by graduation grew another two inches and was skinny!  He didn't fill out till after high school.  I have all kinds of images of what our little boy will look like.  I am 5'6" so he will blow past me in height at like 13 years old, haha!  We might just have ourselves a little basketball player on our hands!!  And of course hopefully like horses (hopefully..better)!!  But we can't get to excited because it is early.  So no buying anything just yet because it will be January before we are far enough along for a confirmed result.

We have decided on how we are going to do the baby's room.  We actually decided this before knowing boy or girl.  We are going to do a rocking horse and country bear theme.  We are searching for a wooden rocking horse to buy then will put a brown country bear stuffed animal on it.  Then the rest of the room and baby things in a rocking horse/bears theme.  Then a pink accent if a girl or blue accent if a boy.  First thing first, is to clean out that room.  Right now it is our "junk" room.  We are fixing to get throw away happy!!   

So for now we wait for the Dr to call with the genetic test results and then for our Dec. 2nd monthly appointment.  It's all happening so fast!  

Stayed tune for more!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Last Few Days Since Sharing The News

It has been an exciting few days since we have shared our news.
I am very glad we kept it to ourselves because it has been a lot of fun sharing Baby Plemons with the world.

The number one question we've been asked, "Have you picked names yet?"  We've had a list going since the last pregnancy when I miscarried but hadn't narrowed it down yet.  I was telling Brian that it's funny because right after they ask if we've picked names, they immediately follow with, "this is the names I'm using if I have a boy or a girl."  I feel like we should be making a list of names that cannot be used and whatever is left, is what we have to chose from.  It's been pretty funny.  So literally just now, we looked over our list of boy and girl names and have agreed on names.  He said this is my favorite and I asked really because those are my favorite too.  I cannot believe it!!!  The names are picked!!!!  And thankfully our chosen names are not on the already taken names list.

Now here comes the fun part!  We are not sharing...HEHEHEHE  :)
We will give a teaser and will share the middle names only.  If baby Plemons is a boy, his middle name will be Keith which is Brian's middle name.  If baby Plemons is a girl, her middle name will be Marie which was my grandmother's middle name whom I miss very much!

The first names however; we are going to make a game out of it.  After we know the sex of the baby, we will begin the game.  So my task for now is to research the baby name games and pick the game that seems to be the most fun.  I can tell you this, all the wives tales such as the chinese gender chart, ring on the string, heart beat strength, etc all suggest baby Plemons is a girl.  We shall see....

Stay tuned for more news and updates.  We look forward to sharing our experience with you!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The weeks leading up to sharing the news

May we introduce Baby Plemons!

Baby Plemons is approximately 7 weeks, 3 days in this photo and was taken back in September.  According to the date of my last cycle it suggests I should have been 8 weeks, 5 days along.  This kinda makes sense because my last cycle was about 5 days longer than usual.  Oh the joys of being a woman.  Since the sonogram is a more accurate picture and estimation to go by, our Dr is using the 7 weeks, 3 days and has set a due of May 16, 2011.

I didn't think I was pregnant at first.  I mean, everything you read says from the "first" day of your cycle. So all my counting the days was from that first day and not incorporating the extra number of days of menstruation because literature makes it seem irrelevant (little did I know).  Pregnancy test now days say you can take up to 5 to 6 days for the expected first day of missed period.  So guess what, miss have no patience here took a test at what I thought was 5 days early and was negative.  Complete disappointment.  So I waited a few more days because the closer to your expected period the better the % of accurate results.  Again negative and complete disappointment.  So at this point I thought, "we will try again."

Well the day came that I should have started and it didn't nor did it the next day.  So that evening on the 2nd day, I took another hopeful pregnancy test.  Yet again it was negative.  Can you imagine the frustration I was having with my body at this point??  Several days go by, the monthly friend hasn't visited yet and I'm starting to think that my body is completely messed up still from the miscarriage earlier in the year.  I mean I have had two very normal cycles prior to this messed up one but my body never ceases to amaze me.  Then one night after dinner, I told Brian that my stomach was upset.  He just kinda gave me a blank stare.  I'm not sure why, but my hopes were creeping back up....maybe, just maybe.  I'm out of pregnancy tests and I don't want Brian to know I'm going to take another one because he will probably think I'm I patiently wait through out the night and through the next day at work to buy and take one.  And guess what, finally at 9 days late we have a positive test!!  Breathless and shocked I just stare at it.  Then I think I may have did the up and down jump with excitement.  As I said earlier, my body never ceases to amaze me!  I share the news with Brian first of course who says that he kinda had a feeling when I said my stomach was upset.  Then I told my Mom, and two very good friends and that was it.  I knew I could trust these people to keep it sworn to secrecy.  Brian and I decided not to share it with anyone else until we pass the 12 week miscarriage danger zone.  I called the dr and the appointment was set for around an estimated what we thought 8 weeks along.

Everything was going great until one Saturday afternoon.  I spent the morning running errands - starbucks, getting oil changed in car, lunch, etc.  That afternoon sitting in the living room, I suddenly felt like I peed on myself.  So I get up and there it was, the dreaded color red.  I think I may have stopped breathing for a bit and then the tears started flowing.  I was home alone because Brian was having to work so I texted him, my Mom and my two friends that it was over.  I was so upset.  I almost went to the store to get a bottle of red wine but instead I watched the last weeks service at our church online.  Thanks to Ed Young's (the pastor) message, I calmed down and I called the emergency line at the dr's office and left a message.  Right away the on call person called me back.  She asked me a series of questions and determined that my progrestrone was probably to low and called me in a prescription and instructed me to call her back if the bleeding proceeds or worsens and to call first thing Monday morning to make an appointment for that day.  I told her that I have a scheduled appointment for Wednesday (you know the 8 week appointment) and she said do not wait, make one for Monday so they can do blood work.  She did not want me going to the ER and take the chances of getting sick with whatever is going around.  Now, I was suppose to be leaving on Monday for a 2 day out of state business trip.  Again she said I do not recommend that, "what if you start hemorraging" while out of state.  So on a Saturday afternoon I have to call my boss and explain why I can't go out of state for the next 2 days.  Thankfully he was understanding and went on the trip for me.

Monday my dr was expecting my phone call as the on call person had already briefed her on my situation.  She was very glad that progrestrone was called in.  She wanted to keep the Wednesday appointment, not bump it up.  Seriously!!??  I was dying.  I had to wait 2 days for Wednesday to roll around.  Wednesday was sonogram day.

Wednesday finally got here and we heard the healthy heart beating at 148.  It was beautiful music to the ears.  Everything was okay!  Let me tell you how good our God is....GOD IS GREAT!!  It was determined that I was 7 weeks, 3 days as explained above and set the due date.  She went over some do's and dont's, kept me on progrestrone and said will see you next month.

The rest of September and all of October we kept this all to ourselves and boy was it hard.  I covered up by drinking water out of a beer bottle thanks to advice from one of the 2 friends I told, drank vodka and sprite a.ka. sprite only with a lime, and just plain stayed away when could from everyone.  The pregnancy was going good.  Nausea was under control as long as I kept food in my stomach.  Though one time it was pushed to far and the Sonic in Henrietta got to watch me get sick all over their parking lot.  The worst has been the exhaustion.  Who knew a person could be so tired and feel so exhausted!! All I've wanted to do is sleep.  I just want to cry every morning when my alarm goes off for work because I just want to sleep.  And I'm in bed by 8:30 or 9 at night.  I have to force myself to workout after work because guess what...yup you got it, all I want to do is go to bed.  Let me tell you how much I'm looking forward to energy coming back during the 2nd trimester.

Finally we hit 12 weeks, and our appointment is on Nov. 1.  Once again we heard a strong heart beating at 158.  Such a joyous sound!!!  Remember when I said my body never ceases to amaze me?? Well it did again.  I learned that I have the blood type opposite of 80% of the population.  I am A negative which means that almost everyone else is A positive including Brian probably.  So the odds are that the baby will be A positive which means that when our blood inter-mixes, my body will view it as a harmful thing and try to get rid of it.  It's called the RH Factor.  Thankfully my body hasn't done that yet, so at 28 weeks I have to get a shot so that antibioties are created so my body doesn't try to "get rid of the baby."  I will then have to have another shot at delivery so that a next pregnancy if we get pregnant again won't be affected.  Dr says it's not big deal.  Thanks to modern medicine and technology we can prevent what they know the body will do.  Our next monthly appointment is on Dec. 2nd.

Since the odds seems to be against me and my body likes to be weird and different we have opted to do the genetics testing.  It is offered to everyone and why someone wouldn't do it, I don't know.  This is where they test for possible birth defects or deformities such as down syndrome.  We are not worried as we are not aware of any family history but it would be nice for once to get to check the box of "no fear" on the list.  That appointment is coming up on Nov. 11.  I have full faith and trust in the good lord above that all is going to be okay.

After an interesting ride and hearing the heart beat twice from God's blessing, we have shared the news with the rest of family and friends.  That has been alot of fun.  And it's sooo nice to finally not have to hide it anymore!!

I haven't gained any weight yet but the clothes around the waist line are starting to get a bit tighter thanks to a healthy growing uterus!

I have to say getting pregnant is fun but is very stressful.  It certainly isn't easy or goes the way you want it to or they way you think it will.

Stay tuned for more.  We look forward to sharing our experience as it happens!