Friday, February 25, 2011

28 Weeks - 7 Months

Well we have made it to 7 months.  Actually the first week of this month is almost over.  Time is going by soooo fast!

We had a sonogram and dr appointment today.  I think I mentioned last time that we go every two weeks now.  Colton weighs approximately 2 lbs 11 oz and all his measurements were in good shape.  He's a healthy growing boy that is for sure.  He was so cute, we could watch him yawn, then he would move his lips like he was talking away.  He did that nearly the entire time.  And we got to see his eyes move once.  He is in the breach position.  His head is way up high so hopefully he will get turned around.  The sonograms just amaze me.  How lucky we are to get to see him like this.  I cannot wait for our 3D/4D sonogram, which is scheduled and just around the corner!  I don't think I mentioned what I had gained in the last post.  At the last appointment two weeks ago I had gained about another 5 pounds from the appointment a month before it.  I haven't gained these last two weeks but all is in good shape.  So far I've gained a total of 15 pounds and should expect to gain about 10 to 15 more total she says.  I was given the Rhogam shot today since I'm RH Negative.  It burned a bit but wasn't to bad.  Blood pressure is good and no protein in the urine so no preclampsia yet!  Next appointment is in two weeks and we have another sonogram.  We actually get one at each appointment now (I guess since I am high risk for the preclampsia).  I was concerned at first but then I reminded myself that he is growing as should be and I'm in okay shape so it's just precautionary.  I shouldn't complain about getting to see the little guy!!!

I had my first braxton hicks contractions or atleast felt the first ones the other night.  I explained how it felt to the dr and she said, yep, it was braxton hicks alright.  My stomach got real tight and sudden, extreme pressure on my lower back.  It was pretty darn intense but only lasted a few minutes then quit.  It did it one more time then was done.  And a few times at the gym these last couple of weeks while working out I'll get a pinched feeling on the lower left side of my back.  I have to quit what I'm doing because it HURTS and kinda paralyzes me for a few seconds.  Dr said thats the siatic nerve feeling pressure.  I guess another symptom to add to the list.  My list really isn't long so I'm not going to complain!  I've been pretty fortunate with an easy pregnancy.

As mentioned above the 3D/4D sonogram is scheduled.  We are going to do it at the 30 week point.  My mom, Brian's mom, and his sister are driving here for it.  It should be fun and I'm glad that they get to experience it with us!  I'm getting ready to find a pediatrician.  I've been asking around so we should have one picked soon.  Next weekend is our maternity ward tour at the hospital and I'm planning to take a baby CPR class.  I'll probably get it scheduled this upcoming week for sometime in later March or early April.  I'm on the fence about a breast feeding class.  There is so much information online and the hospital has lactation specialists who spend time with you after he is born.  So I don't know if paying and taking up a Saturday is worth it.  Anyone take a class and feel it was worth it??

Here is a picture of Colton.  It's his face.  You can see the shadows around his eyes, his nose then his open mouth, lol.  It's kinda hard to make out.  He wouldn't stay still long.  He's an active boy, haha.

Thats about it for now.  It's dinner time.  Colton is moving and hungry!  Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Last Week Of The Second Trimester

How fast time has gone!  I can't believe we are almost to the final trimester.  It's the home stretch!!!

Next week I will be seven months.  That means I only have three months left.  When I say three months it still sounds so far away but when you think end of April to early May, it just doesn't seem that far away at all.  Oh boy, oh boy, I'm so ready to see and meet this little guy!

Last weeks appointment went well.  I had to drink the sugar drink for the gestational diabetes test.  It wasn't that bad but as the day went on, it kinda made me feel sick to my stomach.  I'm just not used to consuming high amounts of sugar.  During the hour wait between the drink and taking blood, we saw Dr. Walters.  Little Colton apparently liked the sugar drink because he was moving around like crazy.  She was like geez, he is a mover.  He won't stay still long enough for the doppler to clock the heart rate.  You could hear the beating and all his wiggling so wasn't concerned.  I just chuckled and said yes, he moves all the time. Then finally she said, yep he is a strong guy, it's steady at 150.  My blood pressure was normal and had no traces of protein in the urine which means no preclampsia!!  Lets pray it stays that way.  She did say that she for sure plans to pull him (induce me) at 37 weeks or possibly 38 weeks at the latest. It will just depend on how my body is doing (cervix - you know the body preparing).  So that means he will be here either the last week of April or the first week of May.  We've hit the point that we start having appointments every two weeks instead of monthly.  So our next appointment is just right around the corner.

I mentioned to her that I started reading Baby Wise because he seems to move more in the late hours than during the day and am concerned that I have a night owl on my hands.  She said not to worry, his movements are no indication on how he will be once here.  She said that during the day when your active, all your movements can tend to lull or rock him to sleep and at night when your body is resting he is more awake.  Plus your less distracted and more aware of his movements.  She was glad to hear I was reading Baby Wise.  In fact, she said she used it on all her kids.  She has a 5 year old and twins that are I'm gonna guess 2 to 3 by their picture.  She said it is hard but if you stick with it, it works.  The whole key is bring your baby into your world, not you revolving around the baby's world.  I'm glad to hear she used and liked it.   A few of my friends have also used and swear by it.  I've learned it's a controversial subject amongst people.  The way I see it is, you have to do what works best for you and your family.  The one thing I will say that I strongly believe in, is what the book puts strong focus on at the beginning.  You have to remember you are married and must work to keep that relationship strong.  It says it will be easy to push your marriage to the side and put all your focus on your new baby.   While it's important to love and cherish your baby, your family's foundation should be based around your marriage!  Your baby will see, feel, and grow up knowing that they belong to something that is greater than themselves.  Something that is sound and solid; a family, and not a world that revolves around them.  I'm in the middle of the book, the part about schedules for the feed, awake, and sleep time and have to say I'm still intrigued and plan to utilize it all.  Whether you believe in the "scheduling concept" or not, I think every couple that is expecting should at least read the beginning as a reminder that your marriage should always remain a primary focus!!!

The nurse called today and said that the gestational diabetes test came back negative and all is good.  Yay!!  Power of prayer is amazing!  Iron levels are good too, so no additional iron supplements are needed.  So for now we just chug along till the next appointment which is coming up pretty quick.  I will get that shot since my blood type is negative (the RH Factor) and we will have a sonogram.  Excited we get to see him again!  That reminds me, I need to schedule a 3D/4D sonogram since we are close to the recommended time period of 28 to 30 weeks.  I guess I shall do that tomorrow!

Monday, February 7, 2011

26 Weeks - 6 1/2 Months

I believe it's been four weeks since my last belly picture update, so here it is.  I am 26 weeks today and at this point, I really don't care if it's blasted on facebook.  I am almost 7 months pregnant and should be expected to be big...haha.  Thankfully nothing else has really grown yet, just the belly and the ladies (lol).  No stretch marks and hopefully it stays that way!

We survived the wonderful snow and ice last week.  Brian worked liked crazy and I went stir crazy being trapped in the house.  Anna and Bear were happy as can be though; Mom was home with them all week.  My monthly appointment was suppose to be on Thursday but was canceled due to the weather.  So it's rescheduled for this Friday.  I will be tested for gestational diabetes.  Is routine at this point of the pregnancy and hopefully it comes out negative so I don't have to go on a restrictive diet and have more testing.  I think being high risk for preclampsia is enough to worry about without adding gestational diabetes to the mix!  So say prayers that all goes well!!

I've been feeling pretty good for the most part.  Tiredness and exhaustion is the one thing that gets me the most.  I'm dragging towards the end of the day.  It doesn't help that I'm not sleeping well.  Between having to get up to go the bathroom a hundred times, or having to shift from an achy body due to laying on sides instead of back, or my right hand/arm waking me up being all tingly from the carpal tunnel.... I really don't get a good night's rest.  About the time I crash back out, I feel like I'm waking up again.  And it doesn't help that Anna and Bear seem to think that all my pillows that surround my body are for them instead of me.  So annoying.  Still NO cravings and so freaking mad about it.  I just want to crave something weird and totally off the wall but no such luck.  Maybe it's because I'm still working out that I'm not craving anything.  I don't know, only thing I can think of.  So we incorporated Wednesday night into braum's ice cream night.  It gives me something to look forward to.  

Brian painted the baby room on Saturday.  I felt bad that he worked so hard all week then had to paint. But it's done now and looks great.  The accent wall is a Dallas Cowboy blue color.  We were aiming for a dark, royal blue and on the wall it looks like the Cowboys blue which is completely fine with us.  The other three walls are a light beige to offset the blue.  Brian put up the crib, changing table and bear picture tonight.  And we moved the glider into the room.  We got it used for $25...yes $25...can you believe it!!  Michelle is the bomb!   We just gotta get the cushions redone.  So I'm gonna take them to a fabric shop this weekend and see what they can do.  Here are a couple of pictures.


New blinds and bed sheets on the to buy list this weekend as well.  Next to the bear picture I plan to get a blanket monogrammed with Colton's date of birth, weight, and height and hang there on the wall.  I think my friend Cindy Sparks is doing projects just as this so plan to reach out to her.  To the right of the crib I plan to put a rocking horse, that is if I ever find one.  It has turned into a big pain in my rear end.  We need a nice, cherry wood one.  So if you know where I can find one, please let me know!  Once we have it, will move the bears out of the crib and by the rocking horse.  I plan to put a few more things on the wall, just not sure what yet.  Something bear or rocking horse related.

And last but certainly not least, we have found the person we want to watch Colton!  We met her and knew she was the one.  Her name is Pat and we are fortune to have found her.  She provided us with references to call and spent a lot of time with us over the phone and in person.  She keeps kids from when they are babies till they start preschool or kindergarden.  She had two openings for the July/August time frame because two girls she has had since they were 8 weeks old are starting school in August.  Can you imagine how hard that is going to be on those girls and on Pat?!  She has kept them so long!  All of the kids she has helped raised, she had that long.  Many of the families that have grown and moved on still write her, send her pictures, and even visit her.  She keeps all those as momentos and is proud to share them, which I can't blame her!  We filled one spot and then another little boy that will be born first part of April (just a few weeks before Colton) has filled her second spot.  So Colton will have an instant best friend to grow up and learn with.  How cool is that?!  She only keeps 6 kids (babies & toddlers) total at any given time.  So he will know all the kids and we will get to know all the families.  She keeps the babies in her living room and has a playroom for the toddlers that she does daily activities with through out the day.  She spends a lot of time with them in regards to motor skills, brain development, etc.  One of the referrals I talked to has a one year old with Pat.  She has been there since she was an infant and she said that when they pick her up, they nearly have to beg her to go home.  It's so comforting to hear things like that!  We will be staying in touch with Pat to let her know how the pregnancy continues to go and she plans to come to the hospital when Colton is born to see us.  I cannot tell you what a blessing and huge stress relief this has been for me!!!  It's so nice to have found someone as great as Pat to be a "second mom" to Colton!