Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas is over blues

I cannot believe christmas is over.  The month of december flew by way to fast!  One more week and I'll be forced to have to put the decorations away.  I can feel the tears already.  I love, love the christmas season!!  I'm hoping that finding out boy or girl on Jan. 5 will help recover the holidays being over blues.  I can then put my focus on the baby room!  Speaking of room, Michelle found a picture with country bears and a small rocker with a bear on it to sit on a dresser or table.  I don't know where she finds these things but I love it!!  (Pictures below)  Oh, the rocking horse I had found and fell in love with, well apparently many others loved it too because my order was canceled due to it being out of stock.  So back to square one on hunting for a rocking horse.

We had a pretty good christmas.  Brian got the Iphone 4, Cabela's big game hunting on the wii, a new pocket knife, camo wear, slippers, and of course UT things.  He has discovered and playing like crazy angry birds game on the phone.  Sounds more like the gremlins to me than angry birds.  For my birthday I got a gift card to massage envy that covers 4 prenatal massages.  So basically I get one for the next 4 months which is complete awesomeness.  That'll basically take me through the rest of the pregnancy.  Thank you Brian!  Then I got a UT christmas wreath that has a man & lady snowmen holding hands.  Double hit there with the snowmen and longhorns!  Thank you mom!  Then an awesome frame with a biblical message on it from my grandmother.
For christmas chocolate covered strawberries were delivered that were yummy and a check to add to our baby fund!!!  Thank you Grandma!  The dogs got a new UT tennis ball that I have yet to give to them.  Bear bear is a ball psycho so not ready to go there yet today.  We are enjoying a lazy day of quietness (except for the angry bird game).  I scored some candles, pretty snowmen house decorations, a new coffee pot (as it will be needed come May), a snuggy that the dogs are trying to claim or steal from me and a boppy pregnancy pillow.  That thing is heaven!!!!  I've always slept on my back and now being 5 months pregnant it is recommended to not do that.  So my shoulders have been killing me since I'm not used to sleeping on them.  That pillow has saved the day or night rather.  I slept with it last night for the first time and let me tell ya, it was the best sleep I've had in weeks.  I can put that thing behind me and it allows me to take the weight off my shoulders and keeps me from rolling onto my back. HEAVEN!
Most important, we were able to spend a lot of time with family.  The Truax family were able to see me pregnant and rub the belly.  It's been a while since we've seen them all together so it was really nice.  And we had a lot of time with my parents and Brian's.  All in all - a great christmas!

Brian is not feeling well.  I've been loading up on the vitamin c in hopes I don't get it.  Getting sick scares me as I'm really not sure what is okay to take nor really want to take anything if possible.  I know sudafed, tylenol and tums is okay but thats about all I know.  So I guess if I get sick, we will get it figured out.  In the meantime, praying Brian gets better and that I don't catch it!

Here is the picture Michelle found.  Isn't it cute?!  Hoping January 5 confirms boy like they think/thought back at the 13 week ultrasound since the bows are blue but if not, oh well, I'm still putting on the wall.  Is way to cute and who says a baby girl can't have some "blue" in her life!!!

Here is the table top rocking horse and bear Michelle found.  I just love it.  Again, hopeful for a baby boy but if not, a baby girl will love it too!!

And here is the bear that I found after Thanksgiving to sit on the rocking horse (if we ever find one).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Active Baby

Last Friday night I felt the second set of movements since the first ones two weeks ago.  We were driving around Highland Park looking at christmas lights after my work's christmas party.  Again it was on my right side.  Since then I have felt the baby everyday.  I have to say it's not settle flutters but rather little jabs and kicks.  To be honest, it kinda hurts, especially when he/she keeps punching the same spot repeatidly.  The punches and kicks now happen all around the lower belly.  He/she seems to be more active at night.  Yesterday evening during my cycle class, I swear the baby was cycling with me.  Then last night around 11, I think he/she was practicing some Kenpo X.  It sure felt in sync to the "jab, upper cut, jab, upper cut."  Many more movements again throughout the day today.  I sent Brian a text message today saying, "your son/daughter is beating me up" and he responded with "that's awesome."  Nice to know that he thinks it's funny the little turd is beating up on his/her momma.  No, but seriously, it is really cool.  It brings a smile to my face each time and SO reassuring to know that all is going okay.

I'm amazed at how much I grow each week.  My stomach is so much bigger than last week, and hello to the growing "ladies."  Holly cow, I'm going to go broke buying bras.  I cannot believe how big they can get.  I think Brian is madly in love and I'm kinda in awe myself.  WOW is all I can say.  I'm kinda scared of how big they will get..... Yikes!  Brian now calls me big bams.  Not babe, or jess, or jessica, but big bams.  I might have to kill him if he pulls that in public.

Back pain is already starting.  Actually, it's been here the last several weeks.  My back muscles have always been weak so between the growing stomach and huge ta tas, it is feeling serious strain.  I sure hope I get gift certificates for pregnancy massages as christmas presents or the remaining months may not be so bueno.  And this is a bit embarrassing but a pregnancy symptom so I'll share.  I feel like I'm the one who needs diapers.  Geez louise, it seems like I dribble on myself all the time.  I'm trying to do "kegels" or however you spell it but it is just weird.  Not to mention hard to remember to do until you dribble.  I guess I'm going to have to set an alarm in my phone to remind me to do them a couple times a day.  Oh the joys...

Thankfully all else is going good.  And I have a few friends that are pregnant, so it's nice to have belly buddies!

Hope everyone has a merry christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby Bump update

See previous post under the archives on the right called baby bump, 18 weeks 2 days.
Hahaha facebook and blogger, I hope I have outsmarted you!

Baby Bump 18 weeks, 2 days

I took these pictures today when I got home from work.  I am 18 weeks, 2 days today.
It has grown a bunch since the 14 week pictures!  You can see it now through the clothes so no more bare skin pictures!  Thanks to belly bands and rubber bands with my blue jeans, I'm still in my normal clothes.
None of the reps that I work with/supervise know I am pregnant.  They will find out Friday night at our work christmas party.  My regional associates have been great to help keep it under wraps.  It will be fun to see their faces!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Baby Movement or No

A couple weeks ago I thought I felt movement but then chalked it up to having gas.  Lord knows I've had plenty of it this entire pregnancy.  Seriously, it is bad.  Thank goodness Brian really loves me. haha
But today at work while sitting very still and in a serious thought about whatever it was I was working on, I swear I felt a faint flutter type feeling in my right side.  It was about belly button level but to the right of the belly button.  I haven't had any gas this afternoon so I'm curious if I actually felt the first movement.  It lasted for a bit but then haven't felt anything since.  I can't decide as I really don't know what to look for or expect.  I've read that it can feel like butterfly flutters or tiny, settle stabs.  I'm 17 weeks 3 days, so I'm getting close to where I should start feeling movement and I read that smaller build women can sometimes feel the movement sooner.  So maybe it was???  I'd like to think it was anyways!  I had a horrible headache yesterday and all through the night so it kinda brightened up my day.

This week my nose has been running like crazy.  Last week my dr said to expect a constant running nose as it can be a pregnancy symptom that could develop at this point and stay for the remainder of the time.  Well I think it has made it's visit.  I know it's not allergies because my right ear isn't itchy.  When my allergies flare up, my right ear goes hay wire and drives me crazy.  Needless to say zyrtec and astepro allergy nasal spray are on my daily to take list. (don't worry all you dr's out there - these both are approved by & one prescribed by my dr :-)  So since it isn't allergies, I guess I'm a lucky candidate to get the pregnancy running nose.  My toilet paper bill has already doubled since I pee all the time so I guess my kleenex bill mine as well too.

Other than the headache and running nose, I'm still feeling good.  Certainly can't complain!!!
Next week when I hit 18 weeks, I will post another belly picture.  It has changed (grown) a bunch since the picture I took at 14 weeks.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

16 Week Appointment

Today's appointment went well.
The baby's heartbeat was beating at a healthy 150, I've gained 5 pounds, and my uterus is growing as should be.  The genetics test are all good.  Blood and sonogram results were normal --- hip, hip, horray!!

No sonogram, today.  I asked if it would be worth our money to pay for one ourselves to try and get a confirmation on a little boy.  They didn't recommend it as it could still be to early for a clear confirmation so we are waiting till the January appointment.  I will be 20 weeks then and should be able to clearly see if a boy or girl.  So January 5th is the big anticipated day.  Hopefully with it being the holidays, it will get here quick.  She also said that by next month I should be able to start feeling the baby move.  I cannot wait for that!

My dr is happy with my blood pressure staying low and I was happy to hear that I will be able to breast feed with the pills I am taking.  I was concerned how that would work but thankfully there is no need to worry.  We talked some about cord blood banking.  I'm on the fence with paying the expensive fee to store the stem cells or to just donate to a public bank.  I'm leaning more towards donating but fearful of "what if we need it" and there is a waiting list or something on the public bank.  Ugh, so many things to consider.  Guess I've got my work cut out to educate myself a bit more before making the decision.  I was shocked though when she told us that only about 10% either donate or store for personal family use.  I don't understand why someone wouldn't atleast donate.  I mean, if these cells can help with leukemia treatment or any other related cancers or sickness why not donate instead of it being thrown away?!?!  It doesn't cost you anything to donate!!  I guess I'm just one to educate myself on as many things as I can and desire to help as many others as I can.
She gave me a list of pediatricians in the area, gave me a flu shot, and said see ya next month.  I don't think we could ask for things to be going more perfectly!

I can personally tell you this baby is growing.  I feel like I am hungry all the time.  So I am eating like crazy.  I've always been a generally good, healthy eater and more so now but man a live, I think the baby is taking everything and not leaving me anything.  Darn kiddo is taking from me already, haha.  Brian has become more attentive towards me and infatuated with my growing bump.  It seems he is more and more offering to get something for me or help me out.  I used to have to ask twice and now I really don't need to ask.  Today after the appointment I needed to get gas so he followed me because were in separate vehicles and pumped my gas for me.  Blew me outta the water!!!  But I gotta tell ya, it's kinda nice and made me feel good.  I think my growing bump has made it more real for him.  Anytime he walks past me, he has to rub my belly and say "little baby plemons".  It's fun seeing him get excited.

After the appointment, I ran over to a friends house and gratiously (I need spell check here) accepted a tub full of hand me downs.  Thank you Leslie!!!  I look forward to adding to the tub and passing it along to another friend when the time is needed.

And today at work, we had the big talk of maternity leave.  I was unsure what to expect or how long they would allow me to be gone.  My emotions are kicking in and I was afraid that I would start balling in my bosses office.  I mean right now commercials, songs, news stories, etc are setting me off but thankfully they were on the same page and thought process as me.  We agreed that anything less than 12 weeks would be unreasonable and to soon.  That was a major load off the shoulders.  It makes me very happy to know that I will be able to stay home 3 full months with Baby Plemons before taking him/her to a daycare or bringing an in-home care/nanny person.  I am blessed to work with great people.

All in all, I have to say it's been a great day.  It's been so good and am in such a good mood, I went and bought a bunch of new yard and house decorations!  I'm on the way to having a snowman infested house.  I just love christmas time!
But most importantly, God is definately being very generous to us and that I am not taking for granted!!