Monday, June 27, 2011

8 Weeks Old

I know it's been a while since my last post.  Colton has grown so much since my last post when he was 5 weeks old.  We've tried to measure him and weigh him on our non-digital scale and he appears to be approximately 22 inches long now and somewhere between 10 and 12 pounds.  He is definitely a growing boy!!
He is eating really good.  Usually about twice a day he will eat 5 ounces and then the remaining feedings will eat either 3 or 4 ounces (usually closer to the 4 ounce mark).  He is still eating every three hours at 7, 10, 1, and 4.  He is sleeping really good.  He sleeps well during his naps and then at night.  Last week he officially started sleeping through the night.  YAY!!!  Monday and Tuesday mornings he woke up around 6:15, 6:30 and since then I've had to wake him at 7 to eat.  A big thanks to the babywise system!  This will be great for when I go back to work at the end of July!!
We are still having issues with him having gas.  At 6 weeks it seemed to kicked into overdrive.  It has started waking him up and then once it passes he goes right back to sleep.  It bothers me that it's interfering with his sleep. We had been using mylicon and it just wasn't working anymore.  I have been avoiding strong dairy products like milk, ice cream, cheese, sour cream, etc and have cut out all the other gassy foods such as veggies, beans, limited caffeine, etc.  It seems like it doesn't matter what I eat he is going to have gas.  We've also tried using different bottles and nipples and that didn't work.  He didn't eat well off anything but the dr brown bottles.  So we have exchange the nipples and are using new nipples on the dr brown's just in case the others were "worn out".  And of course we've tried all the different holding positions, rubbing back, patting his bottom, etc and still nothing.  Some friends suggested I try using gripe water.  I called the pediatrician to see what his thoughts were on gripe water.  Since it's herbal ingredients I wanted his opinion as I wasn't sure if herbal things really are good for babies.  When your pregnant, it's suggested to not have herbal teas, pills, etc so I was a bit apprehensive without his approval.  But he said to go ahead and give it a try.  They'd really like for him to stay on the breastmilk if at all possible but if it gets to where it bothers me to much feeling like I'm not helping him, they have given us samples of an infamil formula that is designed for gassy babies.  So I've gotten some Colic Calm gripe water and are giving it a try.  The dr said that whatever you do, you have to give it at least a week before you decide if it's working or not.  The colic calm suggests giving 1/4 to 1/2 the dose to babies who get gassy after every meal before he eats.  Then if you need to give more after he eats, you can give another 1/4 to 1/2 dose.  So we started it Thursday last week and we are starting to see a little bit of relief.  He still has gas, just not as bad.  So hopefully after being on it for a week we will see even more results.  If not, I'll prolly be ready to throw in the towel and try the Infamil for gassy babies formula the dr gave us.  I just feel sorry for the guy.  He handles it well.  He rarely cries.  Every once in a while he will wimper or whine but mostly just gets red in the face, arches his back, and kicks his legs.  It's enough without the crying to know he is in pain.  The dr said that most babies out grow this by the 3 month mark so hopefully Colton will out grow it within the next 4 weeks and not be one of those babies that remain gassy 4 to 6 months.  It's really hard on me as the mom because I feel like it's my job to make sure he doesn't hurt and I can't seem to find any real relief for him. :(

Other than the gas all else is great.  He is a happy baby.  He has his 2 month appointment with the pediatrician the first week in July.  I think he will be due for some shots so that afternoon is bound to not be a fun one.  Colton's best friend Miles was born last Monday.  He was born at 34 weeks so he is having to spend some time in the NICU.  We can't wait for Miles to get home so we can have play dates!!!

Newborn Pictures Taken on 5-22-11